Three devices highly effective people must have




1. Bicycle


Bicycles are a nearly perfect invention. Einstein loved his, and it has been said he was fairly intelligent. Maybe he enjoyed his bike because, when riding it, his money would defy the second law of thermodynamics; since riding a bike is free, and you cannot spend money while riding it, (unless you REALLY stink at it) it was impossible for his money to dissolve into entropy. All you need for a bicycle (aside from maintenance) is a tire patch from time to time. Perhaps he enjoyed that any one thing on a bike can be modified, repaired, re-engineered, upgraded, or customized for a new world need or a personal one; in other words, he could truly be master of his bike. I seriously doubt the environment was on Einsteins conscience, however, if it was, what better than an almost pollution free mode of transportation. I'm not saying replace your car, I'm saying get a bike. Even though a bike makes you healthier, live longer, better looking, and more useful, I ride simply because it is my personal time, it's fun, and I can clear my head. After a bike ride, perhaps to work, my day goes by faster, my temper is even and calm, and it is easier to see that people are good and wish to “do the right thing”. I am definitely more productive on a day that I ride, helps fulfill purpose.


2. Gun


“As long as there are guns, the individual that wants a gun for a crime is going to have one and going to get it.” - Ronald Reagan


The great thing about guns and motorcycles is that anyone can acquire them and typically only the responsible people can keep them. You being a responsible person, should have no problem keeping your gun and applying your will when necessary to protect, preserve and modify your freedoms, and save you and your families lives. It takes great skill and discipline to truly gain the zen of shooting, and well worth the time to assure that the right and the just prevail. Why not be in as much control of your destiny as possible. You need a Rifle, a shotgun, and a pistol; in that order.


3. Computer


“Home computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog.” - Doug Larson


Just like you needed a horse way back when. Sure, you could sort of live without one, but you really needed one, that's a computer. Computers are required now, you must own one and be fairly proficient with it. A computer w/ internet is an infinite source of information and knowledge that will make you master of all that you fully seek. They are excellent tools for quick communication and social networking (message boards, forums, and newsgroups). Computers put you in front of someone perhaps one thousand miles away, that can answer any question you can type. Even computer games, in moderation, can tune your reflexes, and emulsify the stresses your day has accumulated, there is nothing like a good flying, 2d scrolling, shooter! You need a computer, as the govenment tries harder and harder to limit and tax the internet, air waves, and cable, YOU NEED A COMPUTER.


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