<p> --- Luca's Code Page - BrainLubeOnline.com --- </p>

Various Programs and musings of an 8 year-old.

A Python Program to Calculate the Middle Cook-Time When Given A Range on the Instructions.

        #Luca 12/30/2024 Cook-Time Program, Python

        def cooktime(first, second):
            return (first - second) / 2 + second    #Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally = Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition and Subtraction. 

                                                    #Could have also --> return (first + second) / 2

        first = int(input('Enter highest number of cook time:'))
        second = int(input('Enter lowest number of cooking time: '))

        print(f'The middle cook time of {first} and {second} is {cooktime(first, second)}')


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